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2024-07-02 10:49来源:未知作者:admin




in folklore, animated corpse that sucks the blood of humans. Belief in vampires has existed from the earliest times and has given rise to an amalgam of legends and superstitions. They were most commonly thought of as spirits or demons that left their graves at night to seek and enslave their victims; it was thought that the victims themselves became vampires. The vampire could be warded off with a variety of charms, amulets, and herbs and could finally be killed by driving a stake through its heart or by cremation. Sometimes the vampire assumed a nonhuman shape, such as that of a bat or wolf (see lycanthropy). Probably the most famous vampire in literature is Count Dracula in the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker.



An extortioner. According to Dom Calmet, the vampire is a dead man who returns in body and soul from the other world, and wanders about the earth doing mischief to the living. He sucks the blood of persons asleep, and these persons become vampires in turn. 1

The vampire lies as a corpse during the day, but by night, especially at full moon, wanders about. Sir W. Scott, in his Rokeby (part iii. chap. ii. s. 3) alludes to the superstition, and Lord Byron in his Giaour says, 2

“But first on earth, as vampire sent,

Thy corse shall from the tomb be rent,

Then ghastly haunt thy native place

And suck the blood of all thy race.”


Figo个人资料 英文的

Luís Filipe Madeira Caeiro Figo (born 4 November 1972 in Almada) is a former Portuguese footballer who played as a midfielder for Sporting CP, Barcelona, Real Madrid and Internazionale during a career which spanned over 20 years. He won 127 caps for the Portuguese national football team.

Figo was the 2000 European Footballer of the Year, the 2001 FIFA World Player of the Year, and was named amongst the FIFA 100. Figo is one of the few footballers to have played for both the Spanish rival clubs FC Barcelona and Real Madrid
